Publications database

Members of the Hungarian National Network of EMN carry out scientific activities, prepare and publish studies, which activities are also encouraged by, but are not necessarily carried out under the auspices of EMN. Given that the 13th National Meeting of EMN HU NCP was organized around the theme of the contribution of academia to the shaping of migration policies, we first collected the list of publications of National Network Members, published since 2013, within the framework of this National Meeting organized on 14 October 2014.

The Publications Database is intended to inform the actors of policy making and the academic world as well as persons having scientific interest in any areas of migration, about migration studies published in recent years and their availability. Our goal is to update the Database at least twice a year for our National Meetings held in spring and autumn. However, at any time, we welcome proposals to supplement the Database, since our goal is to help EMN actively contribute to the scientific discussions on migration issues as well as to the dissemination of the result of any related work.

We would like to thank our National Network Members for the scientific work and their consent to indicate their studies in the present Publications Database. However, we must emphasize that the studies constituting the present Database have not been created under the auspices of the European Migration Network or in connection with it; only authors (or persons specifically authorized by them) are entitled to copyright and other rights of the studies.


Szerző Publikció címe Sort descending Pontos hivatkozás Publikáció éve
Maja Lysienia Seeking Convergence? A Comparative Analysis of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union on Seeking Asylum, sui generis M. Lysienia, Seeking Convergence? A Comparative Analysis of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union on Seeking Asylum, sui generis 2022. 2022
Molnár Tamás Statelessness as a rising topic in EU external relations: Report on the Expert Meeting on Statelessness within the Eastern Partnership Panel on Migration and Asylum
Molnár Tamás Statelessness Determination Procedure in Hungary ASIEL AND MIGRANTENRECHT 4:(5-6) pp. 271-277
Gyeney Laura, Korom Ágoston Sui generis vagy politikai megfontolások?: A szlovákiai magyar kisebbséggel kapcsolatos intézkedések az uniós jog tükrében, különös tekintettel az Európai Bizottság álláspontjára. A Magyar Jogász Egylet Európai Unió Szakosztálya konferencia kiadványa. Budapest, 2013.
Melegh Attila Tettem valamit az asztalra. Az állampolgársághoz vezető út kvalitatív interjúk alapján. In: Kováts András (szerk.): Magyarrá válni: bevándorlók honosítási és integrációs stratégiái. - Budapest: MTA Etnikai-nemzeti Kisebbségkutató Intézet, 2011. 199-242
Dóczi Zoltán The Development, the Integration and the Assessment of the Existing Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in: Acta Juridica Hungarica, 54(2), pp. 164-183
Dóczi Zoltán The Development, the Integration and the Assessment of the Existing Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in: Acta Juridica Hungarica, 54(2), pp. 164-183
Töttös Ágnes The intra-EU mobility right of third-country nationals in the European Union In: Studia Iuridica Auctoritate Universitatis Pécs Publicata, Essays of Faculty of Law University of Pécs Yearbook 2013, Pécs, 2013
Töttös Ágnes The issue of multiple citizenship in the European Union and Hungary In: Ördög István (editor.): Migration Anthology, Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal Tudományos Tanácsa, Budapest 2013, pp.109-137
Töttös Ágnes The Past, the Present and the Future of the Seasonal Workers Directive In: Pécs Journal of International and European Law
Marján Attila, Szuhai Ilona Törökország EU-tagságának vizsgálata a migráció kérdésének szemszögéből. MKI-tanulmányok 14. Magyar Külügyi Intézet, 2014. ISSN 2060-5013
Melegh Attila Trans-Border Migration of Elderly People in Eastern Europe. Issues of Social Security in Global Capitalism after the Collapse of State Socialism. Singapore University, in print
Sik Endre Trust, Network Capital, and Informality – Cross-Border Entrepreneurship in the First Two Decades of Post-Communism, REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY , 2012/4: 53–72.
Melegh Attila Új téglák, régi falak. Kelet-Európa a New York Times civilizációs térképén (New Bricks, Old Walls. Eastern Europe on the Civilizational Map of the New York Times 2000, June. pp. 17-28.
Gyeney Laura Union citizenship: Fundamental Status and Fundamental Rights Analysis of the Recent Jurisprudence of the Court Related to Union Citizenship. In: Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law 2013 ( szerk. Marcel Szabó) Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, 2014. pp. 329-352.
Kovács Gábr, Gyeney Laura, Bócz István Utilization of the Hungarian Publicity Financed Health Care System by Third (Non EU) Country Citizens, VALUE IN HEALTH 16:(7 Paper PHP203), 2013
Gyeney Laura Válságban az EU: ketyeg a demográfiai bomba. Válságban az EU konferenciakötet, Pázmány Press 2014, Budapest
Melegh Attila, Hegyesi Adrienn “Immár nem mi vagyunk a szegény rokon a nemzetközi világban”. A státustörvény és az Orbán-Nastase-egyezmény vitájának sajtóbeli reprezentációja és diskurzív rendje. (“We are not anymore the poor relative in the world”. The press representation and the discursive order of the status law and the Orbán-Nastase pact) Sárközy, Erika and Schleicher, Nóra (eds): Kampánykommunikáció (Campaign Communication). Akadémiai, Budapest, 135-171
Váradi Mónika M., Erőss Ágnes „Kulturálisan vagyunk magyarok, mentalitásban szerbek vagyunk szerintem, igen": Magyarországon élő vajdasági magyar migránsok és a jugóbuli TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM 27:(2) pp. 55-76.
Erőss Ágnes, Váradi Mónika M. „Temerin – az én hazám”: változó interetnikus viszonyok magyar szemszögből és rajzban elmesélve TÉR ÉS TÁRSADALOM 27:(2) pp. 171-188. (2013)